Weaning World
Award Winners 2021

This year saw over 60 entries into the Weaning World Awards. Judged by our esteemed panel of judges, the following brands, products and services have been awarded the Weaning World 2021 seal of approval in our annual awards.
Judging was tough this year with some fantastic entries and new innovations, but after much deliberation, the winners were decided.
A huge congratulations to all of our winners!
Best accessory
Accessories can often mean an ultimate parent hack when it comes to weaning – our award winners for best accessory are:
Gold ⭐: Tidy Tot Bamboo Wash Mitts
Silver: Bibetta Placemat with Pocket
Best bib
A bib is deemed as one of the most essential items for feeding and weaning. We have looked at the best bibs on the market. The winners are:
Best cup
With a wide range of cups on the market, these cups have unique features that make them stand out from the crowd.
Best cutlery
A good spoon is an essential piece of the baby weaning kit! There are so many types out there but which one is best? Does it have an extra soft tip? A handy grip? Find our award winners below.
Best 1st stage product
What product could a parent who is starting to wean their baby not live without? Our selection of weaning must haves are:
Best highchair
Buying a highchair is an exciting milestone for any new parent. The right one quickly becomes part of the home and allows little ones to explore their food in comfort. Our award winners are:
Best retailer
These retailers of weaning products have the best to offer parents.
Winner⭐: Natural Baby Shower
Runner up – Kidly
Best 2nd stage product
The second stage of weaning is the time where parents and babies can get a little more adventurous and a little fussier. These fantastic products make life easier for parents in the second stage of weaning.
Best tableware
Cutlery Sets. Place Mats. Dish Sets. Suction Plates. Bowls. Splash mats and more! Does your tableware brand stand out from the crowd? Our award-winning weaning tableware is:
Gold⭐: Beaba Silicone Meal Set
Silver: eco rascals section plates
Bronze: boppi 5 piece dinnerware set
Best 3rd stage product
The most fun stage and the messiest. These products encourage independent feeding.
Gold⭐: boppi 5 piece dinnerware set
Silver: eco Rascals section plates
Bronze: b.box Feeding Set
Most innovative product
Innovation in the weaning category is key! These innovative products win this ultimate accolade!
Winner⭐ – Mummy Cooks Thermospoon
Runner Up – Evolu One.80° Chair
Best Book
Weaning is a topic which is discussed on social and forums all year round. There are some amazing book authors who have dedicated their time to help parents along the weaning and feeding journey. Our winners are:
Best Blog/Expert/Influencer
Not all heroes wear capes. Being a parent can be hard and sometimes parents need to know they are not alone. Parents and parent’s to be that keep a current and helpful blog can make life seem a bit lighter and easier. Here are our go-to guides for parents who are weaning their babies.
Gold⭐: SR Nutrition – srnutrition.co.uk
Silver: Mummy Cooks – mummycooks.com
Bronze: The Children’s Nutritionist – childrensnutrition.co.uk
Best Workshop
Weaning World is so lucky to be supported by amazing experts who provide us with amazing videos, recipes and tips. Here’s our selection of top weaning workshops.
Gold⭐: The Children’s Dietitian – thechildrensdietitian.co.uk
Silver: The Children’s Nutritionist – childrensnutrition.co.uk
Bronze: Happy Tums – happytums.co.uk