
Stage 1 Weaning

Weaning in the early days can be a real mixture of emotions for both you and your baby. The current guidelines recommend you wean your baby from 6 months old, however some babies do show signs earlier than this that they are ready to be weaned. Every child is different, and some will be ready for weaning earlier than others - you will know when the time is right for your child. Read on for some useful articles and tips on getting started and the early days of weaning, and check out our recipe page for some stage 1 weaning ideas. This page is a mixture of sponsored and guest editorial content.

baby weaning
Getting Started

The top five questions on weaning

If you’re a parent who is about to start weaning your baby, it’s such an exciting time. You may have lots of questions and may …

weaning spices
Getting Started

Introducing Spices To Babies & Toddlers

Baby and toddler food shouldn’t be bland! Experimenting with a range of spices can help to expand their palettes.

food waste weaning
6 months plus

How to Reduce Food Waste When Baby Led Weaning

We’re ready to share our ultimate tips on reducing food waste and making the most out of your food budget during Baby Led Weaning.

baby gut health
9 months plus

Supporting your baby’s gut health through weaning and beyond

Starting solids is such an important time for establishing good gut health. Find out how to look after your baby’s microbiome.

chewing and talking
Stage 1 Weaning

The Surprising Link Between Chewing and Talking in Babies

Did you know there is a fascinating connection between chewing and talking in little ones?


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    Recipes 9 Months Plus
    Recipes 12 Months Plus