
Baby Led Weaning

Over recent years baby-led weaning has become more popular. Baby-led weaning takes a more relaxed approach to weaning your baby, where you offer soft finger foods on the highchair tray or plate for baby to feed themselves with no help from you with a spoon. This approach has been embraced by parents around the globe, with many choosing to combine parent-led and baby-led weaning. Read on for tips and advice on baby-led weaning. This page is a mixture of sponsored and editorial content.

weaning when travelling
Baby Led Weaning

Weaning when travelling with a young child

Traveling with a young child can be stressful and add into the mix weaning it can become a little daunting.

Weaning on holiday
Baby Led Weaning

Weaning on Holiday: Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Experience

With a bit of planning and preparation, weaning on holiday can be a fun and exciting experience for both you and your little one.

Weaning Week Live
Baby Led Weaning

Weaning Week 2023 LIVE

Join us over on the Weaning Week LIVE Facebook group for a week of expert talks, workshops and cookalongs.

edible play
Baby Led Weaning

Four ideas for edible play

If you are starting the weaning process then edible play is a great way to ease into it and explore foods with your baby.

sharing foods with your weaning baby
Baby Led Weaning

Sharing foods with your weaning baby

Here are a few ideas for sharing foods with your weaning baby to benefit you both and build the bond of enjoying food together.


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