
Spiced Courgette, Pea and Feta Fritters with a Turmeric Dipping Yoghurt – Adam Shaw, At Dad’s Table

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100g Frozen Peas
2 courgettes
3-4 spring onions
2 cloves of garlic
1.5tsp turmeric
1tsp ground coriander
1tsp cumin
2 eggs
100g white flour (or a gluten-free alternative)
1tsp baking powder
100g feta
Half lemon
3-4tbsp vegetable oil for frying
50g Greek yoghurt (or a plant-based alternative)



To start

Place the frozen peas in a bowl and pour hot water over them. Leave for 5 minutes then drain and either pulse in a food processor or crush slightly with a fork.
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Get grating

Roughly grate the courgettes and place in a colander. Squeeze out any excess water then place in a bowl along with the peas. Finely chop the spring onion and grate the garlic, adding both to the bowl.
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Make the batter

Mix in the cumin, coriander and 1 teaspoon of the turmeric. Crack the eggs into the bowl and mix well with your hands. Sieve the flour and baking powder over and mix again until you have a batter then squeeze in the juice of half a lemon. It will be quite wet, don’t worry! Finally, crumble the feta and mix into the batter.
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Pour half of the vegetable oil into a wide frying pan and heat. Using your hands shape a palm-sized portion of the batter into a disc around 1cm thick and place in the frying pan. Don’t overcrowd the pan so you may need to cook in batches, I normally cook 4 at a time. Cook for 3-4 minutes then flip over and cook for a further two. Remove the fritters to cool on some kitchen towel to absorb any excess oil.
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Spoon the yoghurt into a bowl and add the remaining turmeric. Mix well before serving alongside the cooled fritters.
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