
Stage 3 Weaning

Family mealtimes really do take shape when your little one is ready to share the same tastes at mealtimes as you. Stage 3 weaning is when your baby will be more interested in finger foods and trying the food you eat. It means less mushing, squishing and mashing, as your baby discovers the world of using their own cutlery, hands and chewing food. For many parents this can be a daunting stage, as they become more independent. Read on for some articles, tips and ideas to help you all enjoy family mealtimes with your baby or toddler. This page is a mixture of sponsored and editorial content.

edible play
Getting Started

Four ideas for edible play

If you are starting the weaning process then edible play is a great way to ease into it and explore foods with your baby.

sharing foods with your weaning baby
Getting Started

Sharing foods with your weaning baby

Here are a few ideas for sharing foods with your weaning baby to benefit you both and build the bond of enjoying food together.

Baby Led Weaning
Getting Started

Do I HAVE to do Baby Led Weaning?

This year’s Weaning Week will run from 15th – 19th May, and there’s lots of ways that you can get involved!

Weaning Week 2023
Getting Started

Get involved in Weaning Week 2023

This year’s Weaning Week will run from 15th – 19th May, and there’s lots of ways that you can get involved!

silicone weaning
Getting Started

Sustainable Weaning with Silicone by eco rascals

When it comes to weaning, eco rascals has it covered. Our new line of silicone products follows the success of our fun-filled bamboo range. With these new plates, bibs and cutlery sets, you can cut down on waste and wean with tableware that’s both long-lasting and kinder to the environment than plastic.


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