Weaning Week 2024
Join us for National Weaning Week from 13th – 17th May 2024. The week-long campaign aims to provide families with support, advice and help around weaning.
There’s lots of ways to get involved, including:
- Following along on social media
- Trying out a new recipe
- Taking part in a workshop
- Talking to other parents
Plus lots more!
Featured recipes
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Recent articles
Nurturing Gut Health from the Start: How Babies Develop Good Gut Bacteria for Life
Gut health has never been higher on the health agenda, but how can we support good gut health right from the start? Every parent wants …
How to wean a baby with reflux or tummy troubles
If you’re a parent of a baby who has struggled with reflux or tummy troubles, you’re probably wondering how to navigate the next milestone of weaning. It’s common for parents who have struggled with the challenges associated with reflux or tummy troubles to worry as they approach this milestone, so in this blog, we’ll discuss;
Should you follow the three-day rule when weaning your baby?
If you follow any weaning forum or advice page, you may still encounter advice that you should introduce your baby to one new food every three days during weaning. But is this the right way to do things?
Latest recipes
Homemade baked beans
May 8, 2024
Apple Pie Oats
May 19, 2023
Tropical Fruit Purée
May 12, 2023
Check us out on YouTube
Weaning is the process of introducing solid foods into your baby’s diet, alongside their milk requirements.
Experts advice is to not to start offering solids until your baby is around the 6-month mark, unless told otherwise by your health visitor or GP. At this age, their usual milk is still a vital part of their nutrition and should continue to until 12 months at least. Remember every baby is different and you need to trust your instincts on when it is right for your little one.
Watch our online videos for more help and advice.
The most popular recipes this week
Weaning Experts

Amy Powderham
Registered Adult & Paediatric Dietitian

Catherine Dodd
Founder of children’s cutlery brand doddl

Stacey Zimmels
Leading UK infant and Child Feeding Specialist

Sarah Lindsay Brown
Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist

Lucy Upton
Paediatric Dietitian and Nutritionist

Amy Powderham
Registered Adult & Paediatric Dietitian

Catherine Dodd
Founder of children’s cutlery brand doddl

Stacey Zimmels
Leading UK infant and Child Feeding Specialist

Sarah Lindsay Brown
Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist

Lucy Upton
Paediatric Dietitian and Nutritionist

Amy Powderham
Registered Adult & Paediatric Dietitian

Catherine Dodd
Founder of children’s cutlery brand doddl

Stacey Zimmels
Leading UK infant and Child Feeding Specialist